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Choosing the Right Estate Planning Attorney

May 29, 2024

It's never too early to begin planning your estate. You never know when your final days will be, so it's important to ensure your assets will go to your loved ones when the time comes. Plus, the better you plan, the less stress your family has to deal with in the future. Here are some of our tips for choosing the right estate planning attorney for you.

Referrals and Reviews

Did you know that, according to survey results from IBISWorld, over 200,000 estate planning attorneys were working in the U.S. in 2022 alone? If other people in your circle have already done estate planning, they may be able to recommend a good firm or attorney for you. You can also use online reviews from previous clients to get a good idea if any local professionals would be a good fit for your needs.

Credentials and Fees

Before you trust your financial asset planning with this attorney, you should double-check if they’re a lawyer in good standing. Make sure they have a license and are in good standing with your local state bar. In addition, be sure to check what type of fees or retainer your particular estate planning lawyer requires. Some may want to set a payment upfront or take a certain percentage of your asset investment. It's important to know what to expect so you can plan accordingly.

Their Financial Planning Approach

There are many ways to plan your estate. You may prefer to keep things simple with a will and testament, or you may have a more complicated or extensive estate and prefer to use a trust. Your asset planning may also include ongoing investments. As such, it's a good idea to do a thorough consultation to ensure the lawyer you choose has the ideal financial planning strategy for your assets. You may have certain expectations about how you want your estate to grow while you're alive and what you see for your legacy beyond death.

Many Americans think you need to be rich in order to plan an estate. Whether you have a simple home with one car or several mansions and a fleet of vehicles, that's something that'll be left behind upon your death. If you need an
estate planning attorney with over 40 years of experience and licensing in three states, look no further than our firm. Call the Law Offices of Michael T. Sawyier today.

local estate planning attorney
January 14, 2025
Are you planning to work with a local estate planning attorney? Here are some of the top questions you should remember to ask them.
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